StrataFrame Forum


By Ger Cannoll - 9/3/2011

I have a BO with a User Defined Field. All works ok if I have ShowDeletedRows to false. (I am also not updating Deletedrows immediately)

If I set ShowDeletedRows to true, I get a DeletdRowInaccessibleException when I try to delete a row, and it is happening on the Get of the usder defined field. I  probably need to set the AllowDeletedRows to be swirched on for the field, and if this is the cause, how do I switch this on for a user defined field
By Ger Cannoll - 9/7/2011

Anybody ?
By Ivan George Borges - 9/7/2011

Hi Gerard.

I really don't know what could be, but it looks like you are having issues with a custom property, right?

Have you defined its Descriptors?

    Protected Overrides Function GetCustomBindablePropertyDescriptors() As MicroFour.StrataFrame.Business.FieldPropertyDescriptor()
        '-- Return the array of property descriptors
        Return New MicroFour.StrataFrame.Business.FieldPropertyDescriptor() { _
            New ReflectionPropertyDescriptor("custom_1", GetType(MyBO)), _
            New ReflectionPropertyDescriptor("custom_2", GetType(MyBO))}
    End Function
By Ger Cannoll - 9/8/2011

Hi Ivan. As  far as I can see, I have the |proerty descitors set up. See my Custome Property definition:

The Custome Field comes from a join into another table;

#region "Custom Field Properties"
// --- KMA_STKDESC -------- (Needed to show the description form Kma)
public System.String KMA_STKDESC
get { return Convert.ToString(this.CurrentRow["KMA_STKDESC"]); }
set {this.CurrentRow["KMA_STKDESC"] = value; }
protected override FieldPropertyDescriptor[] GetCustomBindablePropertyDescriptors()
// Create and return a new array of FieldPropertyDescriptor objects that contains
// the ReflectionPropertyDescriptor for the Custom Fields.
return new FieldPropertyDescriptor[] { new ReflectionPropertyDescriptor("KMA_STKDESC",typeof(ScpBO)) };

By Ivan George Borges - 9/8/2011

Hard for me to say what it could be, then.

Do you think you could reproduce it on a small sample using the StrataFrameSample database and post it over here?
By Ger Cannoll - 9/8/2011

Hi Ivan.

Will do over the next few days