By Marcia G Akins - 1/5/2012
Hi all.
I am a real dummy when it comes to web apps so I can use all the help I can get
I have a simple web form on which I want to populate a date field when the user selects the value "Y" in a dtrop down list.
This is the definition for the drop down list:
<SFWeb:DropDownList ID="ddlSigned" runat="server" PopulationType="BusinessObject"
BindingField="signed" BusinessObjectName="SignOff"
<PopulationDataSourceSettings BusinessObjectType="CI_BusinessObjects.boYesNo"
DisplayFieldNamesAlternate="dtl_dsc|" DropDownFormatString=""
FormatString="{0}" MethodToExecute="GetYesNo;" ValueMember="dtl_cde" />
protected void ddlSigned_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlSigned.SelectedValue.ToString() == "Y") { SignOff.sign_off_dt = DateTime.Today; txtSignOffDate.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(); } }
The code in ddlSigned_SelectedIndexChanged never gets executed. Why?
What stupid thing am I doing wring and what do I need to get it to do what I want?
By Marcia G Akins - 1/5/2012
Well, at least I am gettinmg better at answering my own stupid questions
I forgot to set the drop down list up with AutoPostback = true.
Wish all my problems could be solved this easily