StrataFrame Forum

Executable Not Appearing in Taskbar

By lastcanary - 1/5/2012

After building my project and creating the .EXE executable, I am running the executable file but it does not appear in the taskbar. I can switch to this exe only by pressing ALT+TAB. I would like to see the executable in the taskbar. Could you please help me to do that?
By Ivan George Borges - 1/5/2012

Check your main form and see if its ShowInTaskbar property is set to True.
By lastcanary - 1/6/2012

You are rigth Ivan, it works,

How did I change this property? Wow
By Ivan George Borges - 1/6/2012

lastcanary (1/6/2012)
You are rigth Ivan...

Oh, this is a rare moment...

How did I change this property? Wow

You probably didn't, I think the default value is False.