Ivan George Borges (2/22/2012)
Have you had a look at line 56 in your GetCostTypesBySavingsType?
It is likely you are assigning a value to savings_type_FK, but as you said, your BO is empty, so there is no row available.
This is the line:
FillDataTable("SELECT * FROM cost_types WHERE savings_type_FK = " + savings_type_FK.ToString());
A little more information for you:
When I step into this line of code, it takes me directly here in businesslayer.vb:
<Browsable(False), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentRow() As DataRow
If _CurrentRowIndex = -1 Then
Throw New BusinessLayerException("The CurrentRow for table '" & Me.TableNameAndSchema & "' could not be evaluated because the CurrentRowIndex is out of range. Business object record count: " & Me.Count & ". CurrentRowIndex: " & Me._CurrentRowIndex & ".")
Return _CurrentDataTable.DefaultView.Item(_CurrentRowIndex).Row
End If
End Get
End Property