StrataFrame Forum

Combox-Error when selecting bindingfield

By Thomas Holste - 4/18/2012

Hi there,

I put a strataframe combobox on a form (on a themed panel), determine the business object and want now

to select the binding field. But I get a strange error (translated from german):

"Calling a com-component reuulted with the error HRESULT_FAIL."

Can anybody tell me what to do?

Thanks in advance

By Ivan George Borges - 4/19/2012

Hi Thomas.

I am only guessing here... but have you got SF DLLs referenced on your project? Is it installed locally?
Also, if you've got a stack trace you could show, it might also help.
By Thomas Holste - 4/22/2012

Hi Ivan,

the sf-dlls are referenced, base, business, ui and ui expanded.

Maybe I did miss another one?

I do not get a stack trace, just the mentioned error-message.

I can use the sf-combobox in unbound mode but what does not work is:

1. Adding a binding field


2. When I set e BO in the properties (before trying to set the binding field) I can not just add some unbound items for the list, this results in a dbnull error. I saw this error already in another thread mentioned.

Best regards



By Ivan George Borges - 4/22/2012

Got it. I think it could help if you were able to reproduce the issue creating a small sample project using the StrataFrameSample database and posting it here. This way we could work on it together and try to isolate the possible problem.
By Thomas Holste - 4/24/2012

Hi Ivan,

I tried to reproduce the error in a small test-app but haven't got the error there.

I will search a bit further an send it when I can reproduce it. By now I help myself

using the combobox in unbound mode.

Best regards

By Ivan George Borges - 4/24/2012

This probably tells us that something is missing on your original application. OK, go on, tell me I am such a genious to get to this conclusion...
Anyway, I guess you could try deleting the references from your project and adding them back, to make sure.