StrataFrame Forum

DevEx.ComboBoxEdit if change another comboBoxEdit on some condition back to previous value

By Fabian R Silva, - - 4/19/2012

Hello, I have a problem with binding (I suppose)

I have ComboA and ComboB binded to a BO

When I change ComboA value, ComboB can change to another value

The problem is that if I change comboB value, comboA value change to the previus value

//when combo A (uxIdTipoContribuyente) change I have to change combo B (uxIdTipoDocumento) on some condition if needed

private void uxIdTipoContribuyente_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

//if I have to change the comboB value, I call a method that change that value to an known value

 void SetControlDocumento(int idTipoContribuyente)
     // this says me if the comboA value have to change comboB value... 
     if (BO.Dic.TiposContribuyentesBO.EsCuitObligatorio(idTipoContribuyente)) { 
          //here I call a user control method that change his combobox control SelectedValue to an known value 

// Documentcontrol is a inherited strataframe user control with a combo and a textbox... this method change the selected value of the combo

Documentcontrol.SetTipoDocumento (TiposDocumentosEnum tipoDocumentoId)
    uxIdTipoDocumento.SelectedValue = (int)tipoDocumentoId;
    //uxIdTipoDocumento.EditValue = tipoDocumentoId.ToString();
// The problem is that when SelectedValue on uxIdtipoDocumento is called, the BO's strataframe businesslayer call the event CurrentView_ListChanged that have this code:
If (Not Me._AreChangedEventsPaused)    Then loDelegate.Invoke(Me.GetPropertyDescriptor(e.PropertyDescriptor.Name), EventArgs.Empty) ...
// this code seems to refresh the value of the datasource and I loose the value that I setted on the combobox A
I have to do it at BO level? to do this I have to set BO's properties on BOM "Property changing events" to single for all / unique for each property and alter values here? or I have to control the "ChangedEventPaused"? (can I?) 
thanks in advance for the help that can bring to me on this problem
By Ivan George Borges - 4/19/2012

Hi Fabian.

Have you tried using the IndexValueChanged event instead?
By Fabian R Silva, - - 4/19/2012

Same result using IndexChanged or ValueChanged
the sequence of events firing on this comboboxedit control are:

uxIdTipoContribuyente_editvaluechanged --> here I think that not binding still ocurrs (not 100% sure but if I remember I not use this because can give me the old value on the bo "comboBOBusinessObject.bindingfieldOfThisCombo"


index and value changed cause same effect, I not sure if using "changing" intead of "changed" can be a solution Sad 

I go with the PauseChangedEvent way... had never heard of that property before but I tested it and seems to works, edited ok, saved ok... 
I can have future problems using this PauseChangedEvent property, what cares I have to keep present when pausing changed events?
Can I do this change of a property from another property at BO level?(enabling changed properties for this BO)?  it's better because it keep defaults/validate logic separately from the UI?

Code that seems to works:
public void SetTipoDocumento (TiposDocumentosEnum tipoDocumentoId)
    uxIdTipoDocumento.SelectedValue = (int)tipoDocumentoId;
By Edhy Rijo - 4/19/2012

Hi Fabian,

I would go and handle this on the BO events instead of the UI if possible.  I use the BOM Property Single Event and handle that with a Select Case and update the BO properties instead of the controls in the UI, by updating the BO properties, the UI controls would be updated automatically.
By Fabian R Silva, - - 4/20/2012

Thank you so much, I will refactor my code and go on the BOM single event way. thanks again for the response.