StrataFrame Forum

Errors after upgrading

By Brad Cost - 8/29/2012

We used strataframe version 1.7.0 and Dev express version 9 and up until the upgrade everything was fine. After I upgraded Devexpress to version 12 and strataframe to 1.7.5, I am getting this error:

Error   48   Reference required to assembly 'DevExpress.XtraEditors.v10.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a' containing the base class 'DevExpress.XtraEditors.ComboBoxEdit'. 

Can someone please help me?
By Ivan George Borges - 8/29/2012

Hi Brad.

You need to replace the DevEx references in the MicroFour StrataFrame Inherited UI assembly.

Here is a picture of them: