StrataFrame Forum

Browse Dialog Search Criteria to display "empty" values

By Ross L. Rooker, Sr. - 10/15/2012

I see Begins With, End With, Contains and Exact. How can the user bring up "empty"?
By Ivan George Borges - 10/15/2012

That would be a trick one, since if you are in a text field, empty would mean that you don't want to search on that field.

Thinking about it, if I were to do something in that scenario, I would probably create a "convention" in a way to tell my user that if they wrote something like "(empty)" or whatever string we would choose, I would then check for that in the BrowseDialog BeforeSearchExecuted and manipulate the QueryInfo argument to make sure the search engine fetched the empty values.

Just an idea, not sure if this is what you are looking for...
By Ross L. Rooker, Sr. - 10/15/2012

could you provide some sample code to do this?
By Edhy Rijo - 10/15/2012

Hi Ross,

Ross L. Rooker, Sr. (10/15/2012)
I see Begins With, End With, Contains and Exact. How can the user bring up "empty"?

"Empty" basically has no means, if you are searching for empty(Lastname) then you don't enter anything in the last name field value.
Can you be more specific no what kind of search are you trying to do here?
By Ross L. Rooker, Sr. - 10/19/2012

If you don't enterthing in the last name in the search dialog you get everything rather than last names that are empty