StrataFrame Forum

Using BO.Seek with strings and single quotes

By Ger Cannoll - 10/28/2012

I have a variable called myName and its value is -->  Paddy O'Sullivan

I have a"Comp_name = " + "'"  + myName   + "'") and its erroring out, I think  because of the embedded single quote in the name before Sullivan

(If I was doing this in SQL (as opposed to a BO) I'd use a Parameter so single quotes would not be a problem)

I know I cam probably get over this by replacing single quotes with adifferent character but I wont get a proper result then.

Is there any way of using e Parameter structure when I do BO.Seek ?
By Ivan George Borges - 10/29/2012

Hi Ger.

Try:"Comp_name = " + "'"  + myName.Replace("'", "''")  + "'")
By Edhy Rijo - 10/29/2012

Hi Ger, Ivan,

Since no parameter can be used in the bo.Seek() I am a big fan of using the String.Format to get my expression clearer, so I would use something like this:
By Ivan George Borges - 10/29/2012

Yep, looks good. Wink
By Ger Cannoll - 10/29/2012

Hi Ivan, Edhy, many thanks for your replies.

Since posting , I have discovered that doing a seek on a BO.Seek  is too slow (With thousands of transactions) so I have gone back to Seeking the Database itself, and here I can use parameters anyway, so not a problem

Just one query though, If I do as seek with the replaced two single quotes, does it seek for the Single Quote or seek for two single quotes

In an example, I used a variable to hold the string (with the single quote replaced with two single quotes) , and if it was not found, it inserts it, but it inserted two single quotes !!