StrataFrame Forum

SF 2.0

By Olivier - 11/19/2012

Hello Trent,

It's possible to add in the 2.0 , for the WebForm, when the ReadOnly State change,
to put the control on Read only instead of Disabled.

Cause the disabled for the input control get a problem for the font color with IE.

thanks for all
By Trent L. Taylor - 11/19/2012

Oliver, it is funny that you mention this.  This is the beauty of re-writing the controls.  We originally did this very thing in SF, but the problem was Microsoft's inconsistency with their "read-only" support on a per control basis.  The only thing that was fairly consistent was the disabled.

However, even now, if you set the ManageUIReadOnlyState property to false on the BO, then handle the IsDirtyChanged event on the BO when a user makes a change, you can get rid of the disabled logic right now.  Just a thought.
By Olivier - 11/19/2012

Thanks For your thought,

I write a class which iterate all the controls on the WebForm, Masterpage, ContentPlaceHolder
and i put an readonly state on the control textbox.

Cause IE doesn't respect W3C for the disabled style. on IE6 , 7 et IE8.

Thanks Trent for your help
