By Ger Cannoll - 2/3/2013
Connection strings for Vista: c:\ProgramData\Microfour\Connectiondata\
Pre Vista: c:\DocumentsandSettings\Allusers\ApplicationData\Microfour\ConnectionData
Where is the location for Windows 7
Where is the location for Windows 8
By Ivan George Borges - 2/4/2013
It should be in the same folder as you stated for Vista;
I am on Windows 8 and the line above is a copy from my folder.
By Ger Cannoll - 2/7/2013
Hi Ivan.
Yes, they seem to be in "C:\ProgramData\MicroFour\ConnectionData ok but when I do a MyComputer and show folders , this is not appearing. Had to resort to the good old Dos Prompt and I was able to naviage using CD and remove the files before resetup
Thnaks for your help
By Ivan George Borges - 2/7/2013
Oh, I see. That might be because you have "Don't show hidden files, folder, or drives" set on your Folder Options. If you set it to "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" you will probably have access to it through Windows Explorer.