Hi There,
there is a main form in my project, named lkunden with a BO called lkundenBO1. It contains a childformdialog-control set up to work with a child form named lkundneu, which also contains a BO named lkundenBO1. This is how I load the form:
If Me.Childlkunden.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Dim nLkunr As Integer = NextIDBO1.nextid("LKUNDEN") ' Another BO with a function to call a sp to get an incremented value
LKundenBO1.LKUNDENNR = nLkunr
LKundenBO1.KUNDENNR = Me.nKundennr
If LKundenBO1.Save <> MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.SaveUndoResult.Success Then
End If
End If
There is a new record added and I can enter values in the child form. When I leave the childform by setting
the dialog result to ok and return to the main-form, the added record is lost. For example just before exiting from the main form I can control the count-property which is still correct but when I check it in the main form after the "showdialog-line", the added record has disappeared.
Has anyboy an idea what is happening there?
Best regards