StrataFrame Forum

Is VS 2012 Supported?

By William Fields - 10/22/2013


I see postings in the forums that imply StrataFrame support for VS 2012, but I can't find anything specific on the website or forums....

By Ivan George Borges - 10/23/2013

Yep, fully supported.

It is just that the website hasn't been updated.
By William Fields - 10/23/2013


How about SQL Server 2012?
By StrataFrame Team - 10/23/2013

Yep, SQL Server 2012 is fully supported.  For the DDT to work though, you will need to have the 2012 SMO objects installed.  Which means you have to have SQL Server Management Studio 2012 installed on the machine from which you're deploying through the DDT. Or, include the 2012 SMO DLLs with the StrataFrame assemblies if you deploy a DDT package through the DDT.

Other than that, we just use the Native SQL Client, so yes, SQL Server 2012 is supported.