StrataFrame Forum

Add ToolTip support for ThemedLinkMenuItem

By Edhy Rijo - 12/26/2014

Hi Trent, Ben,

is it possible to add ToolTip support for the ThemedLinkMenuItem class?

If so, can you provide a sample on how to accomplish that?

I am using the ActionLinkMenuItem class from the StrataFlix sample project.

By Ivan George Borges - 1/24/2015

Hi Edhy!

Unfortunately I have never used the ThemeLinkMenu, so I don't have much experience with it to share with you. But I went to the source code and had a look at it. It is not expecting to have a ToolTip and there isn't a property you can set to have it working. I would start studying the ThemedLinkMenu and the ThemedLinkMenuItem source code to try and create a property to store a ToolTip and expose it to your application. Then we would have to find a way to draw it to make it available, probably, and this apparently would have to be dealt with in the ThemedLinkMenu's DrawLinkitem and then pay attention to the HandleMouseMove to show it, I guess.

Sorry for not being of much help on this.


By Edhy Rijo - 1/24/2015

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for the tips and taking the time to look into this issue.

Muito obrigado!!!
By Ivan George Borges - 1/26/2015

De nada. Wink
By Edhy Rijo - 2/18/2015

Hi Trent, Ben,

Could you please comment on how could I add tooltip support to a ThemedLinkMenuItem if possible?
