StrataFrame Forum

SQL Server 2005 query that uses the IIF with style date bool ?

By Dong Trien Lam - 6/11/2016

Suppose I have TABLE with the following fields:
Quantity [number]
Price [Number]
Returns [bool]

If Returns = true, then - ([quantity]*[Price])// negative returns
If Returns = false, then ([quantity]*[Price]) // positive returns

Question using SQL Server 2005:
Inquiry following his error was in command IIF:
SELECT quantity, Price, Returns, IIF ([Returns] = 0, ([quantity]*[Price]), (-1)*([quantity]*[Price])) As Total

SQL Syntax Errors Encountered:
The following errors were encountered while parsing the contents of the SQL pane:
Error in list of function arguments: '=' not recognized. Unable to parse query text.
By Yasar Askari - 6/12/2016

That IIF statement only exists in MDX - the query language for SQL Server Analysis Services - the datawarehousing side of SQL Server.

Plain T-SQL does not have an IIF statement.

The best you can do in T-SQL is use the CASE.... WHEN... THEN... statement.
By Dong Trien Lam - 6/12/2016

Ok, thank you