StrataFrame Forum

Bug Adding Messaging Table

By Kevin Lingofelter - 10/10/2006

When adding the messaging tables in the DDT, the insert stored procedures do not have a name (in the SP list, they are just dbo.).

In order to get the name, you have to go to the table properties, uncheck the insert sp setting, click "OK", reopen the table properties, check it, then click "OK".

This needs to be done on both the MessageItems and MessageLanguages tables.

By StrataFrame Team - 10/10/2006

Ah, the flag to create INSERT sprocs was turned on for the messaging tables, but in reality, you never need to insert new localized values in the field, so I just turned that flag off.  I'm not sure why it was on to begin with Smile

The security is a different story, and all of those are configured to create all 3 stored procedures.