StrataFrame Forum

Error when editing or adding a user

By Larry Caylor - 10/20/2006

I'm getting an error when running Security Manager from within my application, see attached. The security tables are contained within my application database and I deployed the security data from my project using the Database Deployment Toolkit. When I run Security Manager the user data appears to be successfully populated by the toolkit with the exception of the passwords which appear to be blank. When I try to type something in the password field, the error is returned. I get the same error if I try to add a new user.


By Larry Caylor - 10/20/2006

BlushNever mind. I forgot the old IT adage “When all else fails, read the documentation”. I see where I messed up.


By Trent L. Taylor - 10/20/2006

Glad to hear you found your answer Smile