StrataFrame Forum

Primary Keys on import

By Paul Chase - 12/5/2006

I just imported a Sql DB and although the PK column shows up correctly in the field list the index for it is not imported soif you deploy this DB from an import no PK's will be created on the destination DB.

However If I modify structure on each table then just hit save and the index is created and then Pk will then be created on deploy. Kinda sucks when you import alot of tables that do not need changes to have to open each one and just save.


By StrataFrame Team - 12/5/2006

Sorry, Paul, this is a known issue.  We'll make sure to resolve it before the next point release.  Thanks.
By Paul Chase - 12/5/2006


I guess I should refrain from yelling at my new guy for deleting all my primary keys until I am sure he did it.BigGrin  

By Trent L. Taylor - 12/5/2006

LOL BigGrin ....yeah, that would probably be a good idea...sorry for the trouble.
By Paul Chase - 12/5/2006

No problem besides a little yelling builds characterWink.
By Trent L. Taylor - 12/5/2006

I like your style BigGrin