StrataFrame Forum

Deployment data

By kkchan - 12/16/2006


How could I deploy multiple tables data to destination database? Also, When I use deployment data wizard, it allow me to choose to deploy either localization and messaging data or security data. What if I want to deploy both?

Thank you

By Trent L. Taylor - 12/17/2006

How could I deploy multiple tables data to destination database?

Download and run this sample to see how to deploy the databases using a package file. 

If you are just referring to the editor itself, just click the "Deply to server" icon in the toolbar:

What if I want to deploy both?

Run it twice.  Once for the localization and another for the security.  It is just a wizard that creates the deployment data packages for you.

By kkchan - 12/19/2006


Thank you.

How could I deploy database (table structure and data) from database A to database B?

I used Security Editor to create an temporary user, permission, role and restriction. Since they are stored under Strataframe database. How could I deploy it to StrataframeSample database?

How does DDT detect table relationship? DDT doesn't show any relationship for table orders and orderitems. However, it works for Security table.

Thank you
By Trent L. Taylor - 12/19/2006

How could I deploy database (table structure and data) from database A to database B?

The table structures are all within the meta-data so when you create a package file, all you need is the .pkg file that was created to deploy both structures and data.  If you are referring to pulling data from a server so you can deploy to another, this is just a Deployment Package.  You can refer to the documentation on how to create a deployment package.  It is farily straight forward.

How could I deploy it to StrataframeSample database?

Well, it is best not to change the StrataFrameSample database, but to do this, you just need to create a DDT profile and use the Deployment Data Wizard to bring in the Security data structures and create the associated data packages.

There is in-depth documentation on how to do this in the DDT Help.

How does DDT detect table relationship?

I don't really understand your question.  The DDT has full relationship support.  If you are referring to importing an existing SQL Server database, then yes, at the moment the relationships are not imported.  This feature will be implemented and is on our "to-do" list.

By kkchan - 12/19/2006


The table structures are all within the meta-data so when you create a package file, all you need is the .pkg file that was created to deploy both structures and data. If you are referring to pulling data from a server so you can deploy to another, this is just a Deployment Package. You can refer to the documentation on how to create a deployment package. It is farily straight forward.

What I meant is my source database name is not same with my destination database.

Well, it is best not to change the StrataFrameSample database, but to do this, you just need to create a DDT profile and use the Deployment Data Wizard to bring in the Security data structures and create the associated data packages.

In my DDT, I have only imported StrataframeSample database. When I use Deployment Data Wizard, I only see StrataframeSample database appear at source/destination combo list. I checked database, my actual security data (entered using Role Security Dialog) are actually stored in Strataframe database. Do I need to import Strataframe databse to DDT as well?

Thnak you
By Trent L. Taylor - 12/19/2006

Do I need to import Strataframe databse to DDT as well?

No!!!!  Smile  Do not touch this database or you could potentially break StrataFrame.  This is the database we use for the framework.

By kkchan - 12/19/2006


Any suggestions to solve my issue?

Thank you
By StrataFrame Team - 12/20/2006

To deploy the security data (users, permissions, etc.) to your testing database, you need to run the Deployment Data wizard and select the security data.  When you select the project or projects from which to gather the data, the DDT will create the deployment data packages necessary to gather those users and permissions when the package file is built (when you build the package file or deploy to a server with the DDT). 

When you get the message saying that the source is not the same as the destination, you need to make sure that you have a valid source selected on the first tab.  The first tab of the deployment data editor allows you to select the database from which the data will be gathered.  The DDT is expecting that the source table for the data will have the same name as the destination table for the data.