StrataFrame Forum

Reimport data structure

By Chan - 1/12/2007


Any way to "merge" table strucuture to DDT by reimport database?

I am asking so because I am importing database by progressive, few tables in batch (by module). It is to easier my development.

Thank you
By StrataFrame Team - 1/15/2007

Yes, when you import, you can import a view tables at a time and they will just be added to the database within the profile.
By Chan - 1/15/2007


Sorry, I couldn't get you.

I am using xcase diagramming tool to design my database. It only contains 5 tables. I have generate script from this tool and run at SQL Server. Now, my sql server database contains these 5 tables. I import them to DDT and create my business object using BO mapper. After testing with these 5 BOs, I back to my diagramming tool and create 3 more tables, "sync" them to sql server database again. Now, my sql server database contains 8 tables. I want to import this newly added tables to DDT within existing profile.

What I found is that, DDT will import these 3 tables under different database node. So, I would get mydatabase and also mydatabase_1. Anyway I could ask DDT to import them into mydatabase instead of create new database called mydatabase_1?

Thank you

By StrataFrame Team - 1/16/2007

Once you re-import the 3 new tables, you can then copy the tables from the Database_1 node to the correct database and delete the Database_1.
By Chan - 1/20/2007


Today I come a case that, I modify few of my table structure using my diagramming tool and sync to actual database. When I try to import them back to DDT, they are created under another database. I deleted my original table from DDT and move the changed back to existing database (DDT). This break my BO mapper. I got to reconfigure them.

Therefore, I hope you can reconsider to implement merge feature in DDT.

Beside, I also tried to use DDT (which import from database previously) to create my database. And I found that, it miss out something. Some of my indexes and default constraints lost. When I use my diagramming tool to recompare with this newly created database, it shown alot of differences.

Thank you