Trent,Thank you for your help. I implemented the function in a common "module.vb" file and it works like a treat. Here is the code if anyone else wants to implement the feature:
Module CommonTools
Public Function InList(ByVal TestValue As String, ByVal ParamArray TestItems() As String) As Boolean
Dim lLoop As IntegerDim lResult As BooleanlResult =
FalseFor lLoop = LBound(TestItems) To UBound(TestItems)If TestValue.Trim = TestItems(lLoop).Trim ThenlResult =
TrueExit ForEnd IfNextReturn lResultEnd FunctionEnd
ModuleHere is an example on how to use the InList function:
If Not InList(Me.EventType, "FULL", "ACCD", "CIT", "PARK", "FI") Then
Me.AddBrokenRule(IncdTypeBOFieldNames.PathOf, "Please choose a event type.")
End If
Thanks again!