Does Strata Frame Work has inbuilt control for GridView Control? Or Do we need to use standard GridView Control provided by Visual Studio 2005
StrataFrame does not provide a proprietary grid control. However, you can use any third party control you would like of the standard DataGridView. The next update will include the sample attached to the form post here: We provide a control called a BusinessBindingSOurce to provide native access to grids.
How can we achieve ODBC connection? Some our database is in PROGRESS Database.
You will just manually provide the connection string. We have native OLEDB providers if this database has an OLEDB provider. In either case, you will need to manually specify the connection string.
MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.DataBasics.DataSources.Add(New OLEDBDataSourceItem("","YourConnectionString"))
In your Helpfile / Tutorial there no example for using 3rd Party control. Can you please provide some example or tutorial for the same?
Actually we have a video, samples, and help docs on this. If you look under the Samples you will see a sample named 3rd Party Data Binding. This shows how to use our IBusinessBindable interface to acheive this. This video will be included with the installation (if you install the Instructional Videos) in the next update. You can access it here for now: .