StrataFrame Forum

Shared Hosting Deployment

By Guillermo Vilas - 2/7/2007


Do you plan to support medium trust environment to run StrataFrame under shared hosting providers??
By Trent L. Taylor - 2/8/2007

You can do this as we speak.  You can define trust policies for StrataFrame applications just like any other .NET application.  In many cases this can be accomplished by simply changing the .NET policy settings on the machine which is running the application without making a change to the application at all.
By Guillermo Vilas - 3/21/2007

Hi Trent
Just for make this thread dynamic I'm going to add that most shared hosting providers doesn't allows customers to modify machine.config files in that case you should use a dedicated server. I would like to know if strataframe will supported under Web hosting providers using medium trust policies.
By Guillermo Vilas - 5/12/2007

I think the answer at this point is NO
By Trent L. Taylor - 5/12/2007

I know that we have one user for sure who is running in this environment.  I will have to ask him what, if anything, that he did specifically to run within this environment.
By Guillermo Vilas - 5/18/2007

I will appreciate it Trent

I do most web development than desktop
By Randy Jean - 9/26/2011

Any new info on this?  We went to deploy to Godaddy and was not able to run the app due their not allowing assemblies requiring full trust, which apparently by default the SF/Microfour assemblies do.
By Ross L. Rooker, Sr. - 4/27/2012

Ouch.... this is exactly the problem I am running into with the web sample. Hopefully there is a solution. Any info?