StrataFrame Forum

Is Direct SQL Statement Secure ?

By Alexnaldo C Santos - 2/17/2007


I can run this code in ANY BO.

public void GetAllDatabaseTables()


Any BO user that don't have access for table X, can access it easy...

I don't think direct SQL statement secure !

One malicious user can do :

1)Connection to my ES using the SDK. Remember! He is an user, so he have a login and password.
2)Execute ANY direct SQL in the database, because, even using ES as database access, ES will uses the same database user for all connection.

How to solve it :

Don't execute SQL statement. Send a command like "QueryCommand" and before execute it on ES/DataLayer context, pass it for the "Secure Layer", so we can do like it :

public void Authorization( QueryCommand cmd )
   string tableName = cmd.SchemaName;
   string affectedFields = cmd.Fields;
   QueryType queryType = cmd.QueryType;

   AuthorizationLayer.Deman( tableName, affectedFields, queryType );

Rules :

1)Don't accept direct SQL Statement;
2)Join must be from a View and not direct from table;

Note: This approach isn't limitation for Stored Procedures.

The main key of it is :

1) My BO only access DataLayer(..Get, GetAll, Save, Update etc.. )
2) My QueryLayer only access my CommandLayer
3) My CommandLayer only acess my DataAccess Layer

Here's my test case code :

public void QuerySelectTest()
ISelectQuery<Customer> query = (ISelectQuery<Customer>WinkDataContext.CreateQuery<Customer>(QueryType.Select);
Customer.ColumnNames.CustomerID, "ALFKI");

Customer customer = query.Get();

Assert.AreEqual(customer.CompanyName, "Alfreds Futterkiste");
Assert.AreEqual(customer.ContactName, "Maria Anders");

/* Now the flow  */

public static IQuery<T> CreateQuery<T>(QueryType queryType) where T : AbstractRecord<T>, new()
   return Default.DataLayer.CreateQuery<T>(queryType);

//DataLayer ( SqlServerProvider )
public override IQuery<T> CreateQuery<T>(QueryType queryType)
  return SqlQueryFactory.Create<T>(this, queryType);

switch (queryType)
case QueryType.Select: return new SelectDataQuery<T>(provider, provider, queryType);
case QueryType.Insert:
case QueryType.Update: return new SqlDataQuery<T>(provider, provider, queryType);
default: throw new NotImplementedException();

//Now, Query.Get()
#region ISelectQuery<T> Members
public T Get()
   return DataLayer.Get<T>(this);

//DataLayer ( SqlServerProvider )

public virtual T Get<T>(IQuery query) where T : AbstractRecord<T>, new()
ExceptionHelper.ArgumentNullException(query, "query");

reader = query.ExecuteReader();
if (!reader.IsEmpty)
T obj = CreateObject<T>();
FetchObject<T>(obj, reader);
return obj;
return null;

public virtual IRecordReader ExecuteReader()
QueryCommand command = CreateCommand();
return _commandLayer.ExecuteReader(command);

//DataLayer(SqlProvider) implement ICommandLayer
public virtual IRecordReader ExecuteReader(QueryCommand command)
ExceptionHelper.ArgumentNullException(command, "command");
return command.ExecuteReader(_dataAccess);

public virtual IRecordReader ExecuteReader(IDataAccess
ExceptionHelper.ArgumentNullException(dataAccess, "dataAccess"
return dataAccess.ExecuteReader(this

As you can see, my Command ONLY can access my Database when I pass it, so to turn it remotable easy, we can create a new provider WebServiceProvider that does it :

public override IRecordReader ExecuteReader(QueryCommand command)
/*the command must prepare all your data(i.e. table name, Efftected Fields and QueryType */

/* simple serialization of Command */

byte[] bytes = Nano.Mapper.IO.Serialization.SerializeBinary(command);
using (WCFMapperProviderProxy proxy = new WCFMapperProviderProxy())
    bytes = proxy.ExecuteCommand(bytes);
return Nano.Mapper.IO.Serialization.DeserializeBinary<IRecordReader>(bytes);

// MyWebService method ONLY does it :

byte[] ExecuteCommand(byte[] command)
QueryCommand queryCommand = Serialization.DeserializeBinary<QueryCommand>(command);
IRecordReader reader = queryCommand.ExecuteReader(DataContext.DefaultDataLayer.DataAccess);
return Serialization.SerializeBinary(reader);

1)As you can see, the Commands are executed on the Server DataAccess context.
2)You can easy encrypt, compress or create a custom serialization.
3)In the "ExecuteReader" of the command you can protect all access.
4)You can uses the TransactionScope class of .NET 2.0 without problem.

IRecordReader is my optimized IDataReader object.

Alexnaldo Santos

By StrataFrame Team - 2/19/2007

The same rules apply to SQL Security from both the ES and directly connecting to SQL Server... if you allow direct connections, any one of your users with .NET (not just the ES SDK) can directly connect your database and execute any code.  So, security SQL Server is your best bet.  If you're worried about allowing users to execute code on your database, then turn off all permissions except EXECUTE and use only stored procedures.

There isn't a way to re-engineer the ES now... to work transparently with the current DbDataSourceItem system, it has to except and passthrough any authenticated command that is properly decrypted (by the PSK on both ends).

By Ben Hayat - 2/21/2007

Ben, I'm sure you guys at SF have had a close look at the up coming LINQ. Will LINQ solve some these SQL security problems that exist now? Another words if we are talking to SQL server via LINQ layer (which internally still uses SQL), is our app safer with LINQ?

By StrataFrame Team - 2/22/2007

Oh, yes, LINQ will solve many of these problems.  The Enterprise Server will be converted over to handle IQuery objects rather than passing through the SQL commands, and you'll be able to configure those query objects to only support "data" commands and not database maintenance commands (like dropping tables).  So, yes, you get extra security in the additional logical layer because that layer becomes more configurable and therefore restrictable.