StrataFrame Forum

List Population error...

By StarkMike - 2/20/2007

I've included a screen shot... I'm not sure how or why this happens, but I can have everything setup correctly and then one day open the project and the List Population wizard has lost the BO name and method... but it's still showing in the properties window.

To fix it I just have to open the wizard and re-map it.

Any ideas why?
By Chan - 2/20/2007


I also have this issue since two days ago. It just happen suddenly. Not all list population has this problem. Currently, I just let it like this because it will still work, the code generated is still exist in designer.*

By Trent L. Taylor - 2/21/2007

This generally happens when the version of the BO library changes, the BO is moved to another project, the namespace of the BO is changed, etc.  The changing SF version will not affect this.  The editor that comes up is just using the properties that have been set, so if it cannot be determined by the full name that was previously select, then you get this type of behavior. 

If you want to know the current fullname, just open the Form.Designer.vb file and look at the PopulationDataSourceSettings property within the designer file.  This might clue you in as to what it was and how it has been changed.

By Chan - 2/21/2007


I didn't change the BO library FYI. The strangest thing is that, I tried to re-configure the list population setting (enum - Business Object), press OK to confirm change. Then, I edit it again, the setting just not shown on the screen.

By StarkMike - 2/27/2007

I figured this one out... I changed my root namespace. Hehe

Originally the line read:

ListPopulationSettings.BusinessObjectType = "STI.UnitsBO"

so when I changed my root namespace to 'StarkTruss' everything broke. In order for it to work again it needs to read:

ListPopulationSettings.BusinessObjectType = "StarkTruss.UnitsBO"

So I'm chaning my root namespace *back*. HA HA BigGrin

Just thought I would share the info

By StrataFrame Team - 2/27/2007

Yes, when you set the PopulationDataSourceSettings or the PopulationEnumName on a list control, the type name is persisted as a string.  So, if the path to the type changes, you'll need to update those string values or go through the type editor again to reset the property to the correct path.