Hello all,The language we are converting from had a handle function we could call that would do string comparisons. For example:
If InString("DEF", "ABCDEFXYZ", 1, 1)
...Do something - return value was 3 (found at character position 3)
...Comparison failed
Params for INSTRING(SubString, String, (optional Step), (optional Start))
SubString - A string constant, variable or expression that contains the string for which to search
String - A string constant or variable to be searched
Step - An optional numeric constant, variable or expression which specifies the step length of the search. A step of 1 would search for the substring at every character in string, 2 starts at every other character. A negative step value of -1 will search from right to left within the string. If omitted, step is defaulted to the length of the substring
Start - An optional numeric constant, variable or expression which specifies where to begin the search of the string. If omitted it is defaulted to 1.
I have looked at the String Comparison method of the String type and it does not seem to fit the bill. Before coding this function myself, does anyone know of any other built-in methods that would work just like the Clarion InString function? Or offer a code snippet?