StrataFrame Forum

Deploy data only but not structure

By Chan - 3/2/2007


How could I deploy localization/security data to my database but not database structure? I created pkg file using deployment package wizard. Then what?

I tried to create a database in DDT without any table and use "Deploy to server" button but I will hit error as ddt_error1.png.

If I press OK to continue, I will hit the following errors ddt_error2.png and ddt_error3.png

Please advice

By Trent L. Taylor - 3/4/2007

If you are going to use the DDT to deploy your data security data then you must allow the structures to be managed by the DDT as well when going through the standard "Deploy to Server."  If you are creating the Deployment Data items and then removing the structures and already have the proper data structures on the SQL Server, then you must create your own deployment form.  You can see a sample of how to create a custom deployment form in the Database Installer sample.