StrataFrame Forum

If templates go missing, try this

By Pertti Karjalainen - 4/8/2007

I just wanted to pass along a solution I found to the somewhat frequent "missing templates" problem.

Every now and again I unexplainably lose a number of .NET templates, specifically the web templates, but often some other random templates as well.  Usually devenv/install or installvstemplates brings them back.  But THIS time it didn't.  no matter what I tried, I could not get them back.  So, after googling the web for I while I found what seems like a foolproof solution:

Install "VS80-KB915364-X86-ENU.exe" and then install "WebApplicationProjectSetup.msi"

(this is in Eric Hammersley's blog:


By StrataFrame Team - 4/9/2007

Good post Pertti.

I think that the Web Application Projects and that KB update were included in the VS2005 SP1, but some people are leary of installing SP1 so this knowledge is perfect for them.  Thanks Smile