StrataFrame Forum

web.config errors

By Pertti Karjalainen - 4/8/2007

I created a new web site, but when I tried to compile it the compiler complained about not being able to find "Microfour Strataframe Base".  Took me  a while to realize that web.config on this brand new site reference said Base once without a version number, and again with a version number.  I took the version-numberless entry out of the web.config file, and got a bit further.

Next it complained about the Business one, same problem.  Took the versionless entry out, and got further.

Once I was done taking all of these guys out, the compiler complained about an invalid memory access.  It happened on this line:

<add assembly="Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91"/>

I took that one out, too, and now I can FINALLY compile without errors.  I don't suppose that the Replication assembly is critical for my app, since I don't replicate SQL Server databases...

Is is just me, or is .NET quirky when it comes to this stuff?  Between this and a bunch of missing templates, I wasted some precious time debugging the framework configuration oddities...


By StrataFrame Team - 4/16/2007

.NET is pretty quirky when it comes to this stuff.  In a WinForms app, the references that you explicitly add to the project are always maintained, however, with ASP.NET, the reference tree is walked, and any DLL referenced by a DLL that is referenced by your project is automatically brought in as well.  Even if you remove the reference, the next time you rebuild the project or open the web.config file or hit whatever trigger within VS that makes it recalculate the references, that DLL will be right back in there.  It's a pain I tell you.

The web projects don't seem to have the problem with the references inadvertantly being added back in, however, our type editors do not currently work with web projects, so it's a trade off...