StrataFrame Forum

Missing Strataframe Menu Item

By choyt - 4/19/2007

Hi Folks

I am missing my Strataframe Menu options. I've looked in the Add-Ins manager and its empty as well so I do not see a way of turning it back on. They are still in my Start / Programs list but when I go to the DDT, it tells me Feature Not Purchased. My licencse activation looks fine.

Any thoughts other than reinstall?



By Trent L. Taylor - 4/19/2007

First, you need to open the add-in file and turn the menu back on.  It sounds like there was an issue at some point in loading the SF assemblies when launching the VS environment.  Open the following file:

C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\AddIns\StrataFrame.AddIn

Make sure the LoadBehavior tag has a 1 in it.  Also, if the file name has been renamed to something other than StrataFrame.AddIn be sure to name it back.

As for your DDT license, you may just need to de-activate and re-activate.   The licensing did change between 1.5 and 1.6 so you may need to re-activate if the problem persists.

By choyt - 4/19/2007

Thanks.. MSEnvShared didn't even exist for this user so I copied it from another user and all is good again.
