By Paul Chase - 4/19/2007
I am using the Browse Dialog want to pre-populate the results by seting the search fields initial value as below. 'Show the Jobsite Dialog for the Selected Customer'Me.BrowseDialog1.SearchFields(0).InitialValue = Me.BoCustomer1.cus_pk.ToStringIf Not Me.BrowseDialog1.ShowDialog(True) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Error: Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Guid.
By Paul Chase - 4/19/2007
I fixed it in the Devexpress solution and rebuilt the source. In the BuildWhereElement function I added the guid type in the case statement and it seems okCase DbType.GuidloFieldValue.Add( New Guid(CType(_CurrentValue, String)))
By StrataFrame Team - 4/19/2007
We will have to add that to the source. Thanks.
By Paul Chase - 4/19/2007
Another issue is one that I brought up previously. I am setting the top panel to show the browse results and the bottom panel to show the search fields. I am also setting the show bottom panel to false, however both panels still display
By StrataFrame Team - 4/19/2007
This has already been addressed and will be in the next update...before you ask when the update will be made available...I am not sure yet
By Paul Chase - 4/19/2007
Ben,I know that you can't give any estimate as to the next release, but can you give me an idea of where to make the fix myself? I am giving a demo to the owner and the CFO next week and I do not like to say "this will work in the real version". If not I think I still have some sick days P
By Trent L. Taylor - 4/19/2007
We actually made a number of changes to the BrowseDialog that includes the ability to programmatically search on invisible fields, etc. I would have to go spend some time to figure out what change was made on this since we made a fair number of enhancements and fixes to the BrowseDialog itself.I do know how you feel and I would love to help, but it is more difficult than pointing you to a single area. When is your demo?
By Paul Chase - 4/19/2007
Trent,The Demo is next Thursday, I am not really worried about incorporating the new stuff that you have added I just wanted a pointer on where to fix the bug for the bottom panel showing when it shouldn't in 1.6. I could then recompile the source on my system. I think I found what I needed
By Trent L. Taylor - 4/19/2007
Let me know. Thanks.
By Paul Chase - 4/19/2007
Trent,I have it working as it supposed to so everything is good. Good thing cause I really didn't want to have to call in sick until you release the next version. P
By Trent L. Taylor - 4/19/2007
I really didn't want to have to call in sick until you release the next version'on now...think of all of the good fishin you could have gotten in while you were waiting! 
By Paul Chase - 4/20/2007
Lol,This fishing wouldn't be the problem!! Paying for it would be my boat is a gas hog I average 1 mile to the gallon.
By Trent L. Taylor - 4/20/2007
Paying for it would be my boat is a gas hog I average 1 mile to the gallon. Only when your bank account was dry and your credit cards maxed But from the sound of it, that wouldn't take very long 
By Paul Chase - 7/23/2007
Ben,This was never added to your source can you please add it so I don't get bit in the butt again.
By StrataFrame Team - 7/24/2007
Yup, sorry, just added it in both the BrowsDialogWindow and the browse dialog window for the dev express wrapper