I've basically copied the code from the DDT installer sample shipped with Strataframe to deploy my own pkg file. It seems to work fine up untill it starts deploying the data to the server. I get an error in the TurnOffAllForeignKeys method. While looking through this, the database parameter is set to the database name is the name of the database NameinProfile, not the NameOnServer. All 3 databases getting deployed have a DatabaseTargetName specified.'-- Create the DatabaseMigrator instanceIf _SQLUserName.Length = 0 Then_DatabaseSetup =
New DatabaseMigrator(_SQLServer, True, Me)Else_DatabaseSetup =
New DatabaseMigrator(_SQLServer, False, Me, _SQLUserName, _SQLPassword)End If'-- Create the DatabaseTargetName for Database1Dim loDTN_Database1 As New DatabaseTargetName("Database1")loDTN_Database1.NameOnServer =
"Database1"'-- Create the DatabaseTargetName for Database2Dim loDTN_Database2 As New DatabaseTargetName("Database2")loDTN_Database2.NameOnServer =
"Database2_Renamed"'-- Create the DatabaseTargetName for Database3Dim loDTN_Database3 As New DatabaseTargetName("Database3")loDTN_Database3.NameOnServer =
"Database3"'-- Create array to hold the DatabaseTargetName objectsDim laDTNames(2) As DatabaseTargetNamelaDTNames(0) = loDTN_Database1
laDTNames(1) = loDTN_Database2
laDTNames(2) = loDTN_Database3
'-- Begin the deployment of the databases_DatabaseSetup.DeployMetaData(_Package,
"mypassword", laDTNames) It generates a Null Reference exception. Stack Trace :Microfour.StratFrame.DBEngine.SQL.DatabaseMigrator.TurnoffAllForeignKeys(String Databasename)
Am I doing something wrong here ?
Robin Giltner