StrataFrame Forum

Broken Rules not displaying When using SharedDataTableKey

By Tim Dol - 6/29/2007

I'm using a SharedDataTableKey on a Business object on my dialog form.  I am manually calling BO.CheckRulesOnRow(True) before exiting the form however the broken rules are not displaying.  I traced through the code and it is adding the broken rules to the collection but there is no message displayed and no flashing red icon beside the fields.

Is there something I need to do when using the SharedDataTableKey feature?



By StrataFrame Team - 7/2/2007

The BO will only show the error provider next to controls that are bound to the business object.  So, if you have 2 business objects using the SharedDataTableKey, if all of the controls are bound to one, and you call CheckRulesOnRow() on the other, then none of the error provider icons will show.  When you're stepping through the CheckRulesOnRow() method, check the value of the Me.BoundControls.Count property within the watch window.  If it's 0, then all of the controls are bound to the other business object.

As for the red InfoBox not appearing, I think that is an issue that was introduced in a previous version and is slated to be fixed for 1.6.1