StrataFrame Forum

Message doubled in tooltip

By Ralph Rutschmann - 6/30/2007


in my BO i did the following, hopefully according to the examples, translated from VB to C#:

private void BOWareneingang_CheckRulesOnCurrentRow(CheckRulesEventArgs e)


if (this.EingangsMenge < 1)

this.AddBrokenRule("EingangsMenge", Localization.RetrieveTextValue("brEingangsMenge"));


But into my FixedToolWindow for editing entries in a listview now I get the appropriate errormessage twice in two identical lines of text in the same tooltip next to the error icon.

This isn't because of the localization, I tested this.

Does anybody know what I did do wrong?


By Trent L. Taylor - 7/2/2007

You are correct in that it is not related to localization.  More than likely you have two handlers managing the CheckRulesOnCurrentRow event which is handling the event twice.  To prove this, just another another broken rule on the same field and it should have two of those messages as well.  If so, remove one of your event handlers and then you should be back to one. Smile
By Ralph Rutschmann - 7/2/2007

Hello Trent,

you're absolutely right. There have been two handlers. One into the designer file of the BO, and one from me which I copied from one of the CRM example forms. After removing the 'addhandler' stuff from the form, all is working as expected.

Thank you very much, your hint pointed me the right direktion. :-)

Friendly greetings,

By Trent L. Taylor - 7/3/2007

Glad you got it working Smile