Browse Dialog Search Field Combo-Enum

Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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I am trying to use The Combo-Enum option for a browse dialog search field. The combo is populated properly from the Enum.

If the Combo is left alone at <Not Selected and a search is executed I get a good result set however if a value is selected from the drop down and another search is executed nothing is returned.


Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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I got it to work on a simple example so I'm not sure what is causing my issue.
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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It looks like the problem is with non visible search fields and the adjusted search fields collection. Here is a small sample app
Attachments (74 views, 75.00 KB)
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While I'm looking at this sample, can you take a look at the debug file for the data source?  Does the command executed by the BrowseDialog look remotely correct?  Or is it adding/removing fields?
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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I was out of the office all morning at a branch location....

The problem is that when you are building the where clause you are looping through the controls and passing the control's counter position to the BuildWhereElement function whch then looks at the adjusted fields collection.

However the count does not nessasarily reflect the search fields proper position in the adjusted fields collection if there are non visible fields.

As you can see the on second Select Statement the where clause is built with the wrong field. Hope that makes sense.

Command #: 1
Timestamp: 2007-07-26 14:34:51.933
General Command Settings
Command Type: Text
Object Type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Connection String: Data Source=ares;Initial Catalog=StrataFrameSample;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False;Asynchronous Processing=True
Transaction: False
Command Settings
CommandText: SELECT TOP 1000 [cust_pk], [cust_Company], [cust_Prefix], [cust_FirstName], [cust_MiddleName], [cust_LastName], [cust_Suffix], [cust_Address1], [cust_Address2], [cust_City], [cust_State], [cust_Postal], [cust_Country], [cust_Email], [cust_PhoneDay], [cust_PhoneDayType], [cust_PhoneNight], [cust_PhoneNightType], [cust_Created], [cust_Version] FROM [dbo].[Customers] WHERE [cust_PhoneDayType] = @PARAM0;
Command Parameters
@PARAM0: '1' [DbType: Int32 | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: | SourceVersion: Current]
Command #: 2
Timestamp: 2007-07-26 14:35:02.292
General Command Settings
Command Type: Text
Object Type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Connection String: Data Source=ares;Initial Catalog=StrataFrameSample;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False;Asynchronous Processing=True
Transaction: False
Command Settings
CommandText: SELECT TOP 1000 [cust_pk], [cust_Company], [cust_Prefix], [cust_FirstName], [cust_MiddleName], [cust_LastName], [cust_Suffix], [cust_Address1], [cust_Address2], [cust_City], [cust_State], [cust_Postal], [cust_Country], [cust_Email], [cust_PhoneDay], [cust_PhoneDayType], [cust_PhoneNight], [cust_PhoneNightType], [cust_Created], [cust_Version] FROM [dbo].[Customers] WHERE [cust_LastName] LIKE @PARAM0;
Command Parameters
@PARAM0: '2%' [DbType: String | Size: 60 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: | SourceVersion: Current]

Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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It looks like I have the code fixed on my end

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What did you change to make it work?
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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I just added another search fields collection to store the visible controls.

'--New Paul Code Add new private var search field Collection

Private _VisibleSearchFields As New SearchFieldCollection()

In the CreateAllSearchFieldControls() sub I add the search field item to the above collection.

'-- See if the control is visible

If Not loItem.Visible Then

Continue For

End If

'--Start New Paul Code Add to Visble Collection


'--End New Paul Code Add to Visble Collection

Finally in the  BuildWhereSearchClause

'-- Cycle through all of the fields to determine which fields

' have contents

For lnCnt = 0 To _Controls.Count - 1

'-- Get a reference to the control

loControl = _Controls(lnCnt)

'-- If the control has data, then add the control to the list of where statements

If HasData(loControl) Then

'-- Add the where statement-- Paul Change to look at new collection



End If



There is still an issue with re-adding non visible search fields via the search fields list box. I would need to rebuild the visible controls collection there but just haven't looked at it yet


Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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I wanted to check and see if you ever had a chance to fix this? I overwrote the changes I made to the source a long time ago and had to scratch my head for awhile.



Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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What I posted above doesn't seem to work 100% it fixes the problem of non visible search fields but if you then make a search field visible it does not respect that you added made it visible, so it is like a 50 % fix

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