Any changes to DatabaseMigrator in 1.6.5?

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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what is the password for the SF package file you posted please?


Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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Installing that and rebuilding after worked. Thanks.

Keith Chisarik
Trent Taylor
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Cool Cool
Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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Instead of starting a new thread.....

The NameOnServer property does not seem to be working for some reason, I wrote this months ago and now it isn't working.

I have these two lines of code that used to allow me to deploy a given package file to a SQL Server with any name I choose.

Dim loDatabase As New DatabaseTargetName(profilename)

loDatabase.NameOnServer = dbInstanceName

Now it is ignoring the second line and always applying to the SQL Server using the default name.

Help please Smile

Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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My maybe this is due to my addins being messed up, should they read 1.6.5 now when I add a reference?

I see the file version is 1.6.5 and the Assembly is 1.6.0 (good stuff so we dont have to change all project references)

Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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bumpity bump bump

Keith Chisarik
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When you're calling the DatabaseMigrator.DeployMeta-Data method, are you using the overload that accepts the array of DatabaseTargetName objects?  If you don't pass them in, they get ignored...

If so, then could you post the code snippet from where you're creating the name through where you're calling the deployment methods?  Thanks.

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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My maybe this is due to my addins being messed up, should they read 1.6.5 now when I add a reference?

You will definitely want to get this cleaned up as it will cause a number of issues since we did not change the assembly version, just the file version.  If you can't get these removed from your assembly then manually use the gacutil.exe -uf command from the Visual Studio command prompt.

Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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We had the package profile name wrong, it was hard to find the bug because it installed the default instance fine instead of blowing out. Thanks.

Keith Chisarik
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Glad you tracked it down Smile

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