EventType : clr20r3 P1 : installutil.exe P2 : 2.0.50727.1433 P3 : 471ebfbb P4 : mscorlib P5 : P6 : 471ebc5b P7 : 1295P8 : 14 P9 : system.io.filenotfoundexception
Everthing is stuck now?
The problem that you are running into isn't specific to the SF install but rather the InstallUtil.exe program that is used to launch the installer. You might try uninstalling SF altogether and try again....but more than likely you will have the same results.
Be sure that you have admin permissions when installing as well. If the install fails after a complete SF uninstall and re-install, then you can start weeding through some of the other items I mentioned.
Note: The most likely culprit is a .NET framework issue. This is also the most elusive. Other things (including VS) will appear to work, yet there is a core framework install issue. I have seen this a number of times...and it is always a little tricky getting it back together as well. Automatic Updates are a very common cause of this issue...we see it often.
If you don't find the fix to the problem, you may want to try Windows Restore to restore your registry state at a point you could try reinstalling SF again. Not related to SF, I have seen this type of issues with Windows Updates which may corrupt the registry entries that may cause this kind of unknown errors, then after using Windows Restore you can go to Windows Update and reinstall whatever may be missing.
Keep in mind that Windows Restore may remove registry entries for any program installed in the period of the restore point and you may need to reinstall it.
Good luck!
It all started with the add-in-manager error after the install. When I tried un-install/re-install, I got the .net manager error. Then when I tried to fix through the ad/remove programs, I got the Strataframeinstaller error stating that it
counld not find the path "Microfour\Stratframe.addin" The .addins file must be manually deployed.
You can also try the MS Windows Installer Clean Up utility to get rid of any damage installation. This is a must have utility.
The reason that the add-ins would have failed is because the installutil.exe failed to launch the installer...so it is kindof an uphill battle once there are some core issues like this.
I would try to do everything else before your uninstall and reinstall the .NET framework...this can be bad mojo sometimes...especially when things are already broken.
Still trying to get it to work. This is my 4th un/install of SF. Ran RegCure as well. I am moving in the direction of a .net replacement. Have 1.1,2.0SP1, 3.0 and 3.5 installed. Cannot remove the .Net framwork (2.0) via the ad/remove programmes?
Will keep trying
After uninstalling SF, I removed all folders and SF databases. Then reinstalled SF without a problem?? Does recompiling the source code to use Infragistics 8.1 and running the afterbuild make a difference with updates?
Thanks again for your help.