I have a problem, I install StartFrame (Try it) and after that my Visual Studio 2005 does not start any more.. splash screen appears with VS2005 Professiona edition and process hang ... what can I do?
I am new to SF and VS, but will try to give you something to think about this problem.
Are you saying that after you installed SF you can not open VS2005?
SF adds some AddIns to VS that are configured to run at VS Startup and if you had any problem with SF installation that prevented installation or corrupted the AddIn, I think that may cause this kind of symptom.
See if there is a way to make VS start without loading those AddIns.
StrataFrame will not prevent VS from loading. If the add-ins do not get properly installed, you will just get an error message on the way in and VS will turn off the add-in, but it will not keep VS from loading. Can you provide any additional information (i.e. a stack trace, messages, etc)? Thanks.