Administrative and security maintenance usernames and passwords problem

Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Got it.

I think we could try adding your SFS tables into your DDT project again. If the structures have changed, it will bring the updated ones, and then you could deploy it back to the client. This would make sure that you have the uptodate structures for your securtity tables.

Juan Carlos Pazos
Juan Carlos Pazos
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Can you tell me how to do that?


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Juan Carlos Pazos
Juan Carlos Pazos
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Trent, hope yoo take a look, I really need to access with the admin integrated acccount to the security editor, I can log in with the admin and enter to every form of the application but not to the security editor.

The three users of the application not have access to the security editor, because I'm working on the application and the times I need to modify security I do it with the integrated admin account.

As far as I can understand the problem seems to be related to decrypt, because as I posted before the error goes in that part of the code.

Wainting for your answer.


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Jennifer Guo
Jennifer Guo
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I am wondering how I can get the password of a user or how I can determine if a user is administrator.

Since I need check a user's permission, but the program is a Dll and called by another program, so the security login has been bypassed. The user's ID is passed from the other program, i.e. UserID is known. Now I need to check this user's permission to set up my form controls.

I have programed to check SFSUserXPermission and SFSRolesXPermission, but if this user is an administrator, the role is not in table SFSRolesXPermission. My question is how I can get if this user is an administrator or not. I guess the info is in table SFSUsers.us_Data, but how can I get it?

Or, how I can get the password of the user? If I have the password, I can use Login.AuthenticateUser(UserName, Password, "", loUserInfo) to login this user, and then check the currentUser's permission.

Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Group: StrataFrame MVPs
Posts: 1.9K, Visits: 21K
Hi Jennifer.

Have a look at the thread starting from the following post:

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