Columns are populated generically from the business object allfieldslist.
I would use the Listview but I need an autocolumnwidth capability that I can't see on the list view.
ok, moved on a fair bit.
First up. The listview can have an autocolumnwidth. Populate your LV THEN set the columnwidth to -1 or -2. -2 did it for me. However, I can't use the LV because I need to export to PDF, and Excel etc. Possible enhancement chaps? .
So, back to the Enhancedlist. You need to set additional properties when you add columns programmatically. The properties I had omitted were
.Visible = True ' Doh, - defaults to false
.VisibleIndex = something other than the default of -1 ' doh
.Width = something other than 0 ' doh - why I figured it would default to 60 like everything else seems to do I don't know.
Magically, columns appear.
Almost there now.
thanks for the contributions.