Populating a ComboBox

Ian Hammond
Ian Hammond
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I am a total newbie to StrataFrame and I'm trying to write a simple WInForm app. I have a maintaenance form on which I have placed 2 BO's. A secondary BO is used to populate a combobox. I have set the combo properties as have been described in the Tutorial but using my database and my combo is empty. I'm not quite sure where to look next. Also I would like to display text in the item data and an identifier for the valuemember property, but I cannot find any documentation.

Could anyone advise,

Many thanks.

Edhy Rijo
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Hi Ian and welcome to the group.

There are many ways to populate a combobox, in your case you want to use a BO, basically what you do is in the BO that will populate the data for the combobox you create a Fill method that will get the data needed for the BO, then use the Combobox's PopulationDataSourceSettings to setup the BO and the method that you create to populate it. There are some sample for this in several messages in the forums.

I am attaching a sample posted by Trent (I think) which shows several ways of populating comboboxes.

Edhy Rijo

ComboBoxSample.zip (149 views, 883.00 KB)
Ian Hammond
Ian Hammond
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Many thanks for the reply. I am currently using VS2005 which won't load up the samp,e project. Is there an earlier version available. Many thanks again,

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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You will have to create a new solution and add the classes into that project.  All samples that we produce at this point are in VS2008.  If you are a member of MSDN then you can go online and download this.  I would highly recommend moving over to VS2008 as it is a far better IDE and will make your transition forward easier.
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I don't know if it's because we're running StrataFrame 1.7 or what, but I get 31 errors in the sample combobox project of:

Argument not specified for parameter 'propertyType' of 'Public Sub New(fieldName As String, propertyType As System.Type)'.

On all the My.New("") methods in the CustomerBO.Designer.vb file.

Charles R Hankey
Charles R Hankey
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The sample uses the Strataframe Sample database. You first need to open the BO Mapper from the SF menu, create a project ( just call it the name of the sample) and say it uses SQL Server and point to the SF Sample.

Then map the three tables in the BOLibrary proj to the three tables in the SF Sample database, click Rebuild all and close.

Build the bo library1 proj and then run the app. First time you'll select the SF Sample database again and then you should be good to go.

BO mapper stuff is stored in your local SF database so it did not travel with the sample when it was posted.

Now your SF database has the mapping info for this project's BOs
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Thank you Charles!

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