You're getting there. There are two ways to provide parameters to the fill method setup in the population settings:
1. (suggested) Handle the ListPopulating event (as Edhy showed and you've got working). If this is used, then every time the Requery method is called with no parameters (see below), this event will be fired and the parameters provided to the fill method.
2. Provide the paremeters to the combo's Requery method:
Me.MyCombo.Requery("MyValue") '-- where "MyValue" is the parameter needed by your fill method
You can pass whatever your fill method needs to Requery method directly. However as mentioned, handling the ListPopulating event is preferred as this isolates setting parameter(s) to a single place.
That's how it gets filled using a fill method.
The PopulateOnFormLoad property determine if the combo is loaded during the FormLoad event, as controlled by the InitializePriority property (lower numbers get loaded first). If set to manual, you must call the Requery method to fill it. However, at any time, you can call requery to refill it. This is very common.
I hope that is starting to make sense!