Business Object Performance

Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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Hi Les,

I think there is a misunderstanding, I am not trying to use a listview with a large recordset  Smile

I am bulk importing records from foxpro to a sql database. The issue I am having is that setting the values on the destination business object via the strong typed property takes a good bit longer than setting the values on a plain jane datatable.

Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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I am very interested in your findings, I found this a long time ago and honestly just figured it was the way it was, anything over 20k records (ballpark) I have been using SQLBulkCopy to get speed on the commit.

Keith Chisarik
Les Pinter
Les Pinter
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Hi Paul,

   Darn, I was in such a hurry to tell that anecdote that I didn't read your post carefully. That'll learn me...


Edhy Rijo
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Hi Paul,

I agree with Keith about SQLBulkCopy, in fact in this thread you can see how Keith's sample code helped me in this regard.

Edhy Rijo

Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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I recently updated to the latest version of SF and was unable to tell if this issue was resolved ?



Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Well, I am not sure that it is actually an issue. From reading through the post, you are dealing with large numbers of records in a single BO. If you are trying to do mass updates, then the SqlBulkCopy is a great way to dump tons of records into a table and totally sidetracking the strong-typing and data verification.

That being said, I have not had a chance to put this through a code tracing tool to see where your exact bottleneck may be. Most like there is an event being raised and handled. I will take another look when I get my head above water.
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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Hey Trent,
I respectfully disagree that this is not really an issue Smile I do agree that this is not a NOTICEABLE issue for most day to day use's of business object's. I would also like to clarify that The bottleneck is with setting field values in a BO vs. a ADO datatable ,NOT on the adding of rows or the saving of rows.(BTW I do use Bulk Copy in instances where I am doing mass inserts of records but it doesn’t change this issue).

As an example programmatically SETTING the values of 100 fields in 1 data row takes .002 seconds via Strong Typed BO properties and .0000000000 seconds via weak typed ado, probably not noticeable. However setting the same values for the same 100 fields but for 1000  data rows then takes 7.64 seconds vs .03 seconds and that IS a noticeable difference.

I realize I can refactor my code to use weak typing and directly reference the businessobject's underlying datatable to increase performance by bypassing whatever underlying handler is mucking up the waters and I have done this in some places where I need the performance and was unable to wait for it to be resolved.
Really the long and short of it is that I am using a business object to programmatically set multiple values for somewhat large tables with large recordset’s. Although this usage may not be the norm ,I feel it is reasonable to expect a business object to perform somewhat on par with a datatable?

I realize that whatever is causing the issue is in a sticky spot and will take you guys more time to resolve and I appreciate the time and effort that it takes to get to it. I just wanted to clarify what exactly the issue is, and to simply re-iterate that this is an issue that affects my business processes negatively and let you know I appreciate whatever you can do to resolve it .

Thanks Man,



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