Hi Terry,
I created a table in my Pinter database using this:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RodeoEventConfiguration](
[rodeoevtconfig_pk] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[rodeoId] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[eventCD] [char](2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (' '),
[eventName] [varchar](10) NOT NULL DEFAULT (''),
[goCount] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[committeePurse] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1000)),
[sponsorPurse] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1000)),
[additionalCompensation] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1000)),
[eventStatus] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[finalsFlag] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[finalsPayoutFactor] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[finalsAmount] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[CommitteeEventMoney] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[dayMoneyPayoutPositions] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[backToBackFlag] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[dayMoneyDeduction] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[deductionPercent] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((10)),
[orderOfFill] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[decimalPrecision] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((2)),
[stockBackNumberUsed] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
[leftRightJudgesSets] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1))
I inserted three records:
INSERT INTO RodeoEventConfiguration ( rodeoID, eventCD ) VALUES ( 1, 'AA' )
INSERT INTO RodeoEventConfiguration ( rodeoID, eventCD ) VALUES ( 1, 'BB' )
INSERT INTO RodeoEventConfiguration ( rodeoID, eventCD ) VALUES ( 1, 'CC' )
I then added this stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_RodeoEvtConfig]
@rodeoid int = 1,
@eventcd char(2)
rodeoevtconfig_pk, rodeoId, eventCD, eventName, goCount, committeePurse, sponsorPurse, additionalCompensation, eventStatus, finalsFlag, finalsPayoutFactor,
finalsAmount, CommitteeEventMoney, dayMoneyPayoutPositions, backToBackFlag, dayMoneyDeduction, deductionPercent, orderOfFill, decimalPrecision,
stockBackNumberUsed, leftRightJudgesSets
FROM RodeoEventConfiguration
WHERE (rodeoId = @rodeoid) AND (eventCD = @eventcd)
My business object, based on the RodeoEventConfiguration table, had this method:
public void FillRodeoConfig(int nrod, string cevt)
{ SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.sp_RodeoEvtConfig");
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@rodeoid",SqlDbType.Int).Value = 1;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@eventcd",SqlDbType.Char).Value = cevt;
FillDataTable(cmd); }
In my new SF project, Form1 contains two textboxes bound respectively to rodeoID and eventCD in the RodeoEventConfiguration table, and three buttons. Here's their Click event code:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ rodeoBO1.FillRodeoConfig(1, "AA"); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ rodeoBO1.FillRodeoConfig(1, "BB"); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ rodeoBO1.FillRodeoConfig(1, "CC"); }
And everything works correctly.
I can only assume that there's something about your table that it doesn't like, probably (as mentioned by several forum members) either the length of the eventCD column, or the length of the @eventCD parameter.