Eric Leissler
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi , Im back on this forum I just want a sample example to made a sample report. how il do ? I made an bo on a sql vue I made an BBS on this Bo when i execute, my report is correct but no populate. Have you a sample exemple because i need to understand the mécanisme . thanks bestregards Eric
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi Eric, The StrataFlix sample project have 2 sample reports. You can download it from the "My Account" downloads. Also you can search the forums using the flag "Reports" and that may give you a couple of thread about reports. Will you be using plain .Net reports or a 3rd party tool?
Edhy Rijo
Eric Leissler
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi eddy, I just want en sample report (myreport.rdlc) I dont understand how to populate this report. I downloaded stratafix but i dont understand the mecanism . I search thanks Best regard
Ger Cannoll
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi Edhy. I am currently looking at report writing , but did not realise there was an out of the box mechanism in .net (other than SSRS and Crystal) . Is there something else that comes standard in .net that facilitates creating reports ?
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi Gerard, Yes, .Net have its own reporting tools which the StrataFlix sample uses, I use Report SharpShooter (RSS) because I need more than what is offered by the .Net like exporting to PDF/Excel, nice preview etc. Eric, the report engine will use a BBS which internally use a BO, you simply use the BBS as the data source for the report, then populate the BO and execute the report. I am not familiar with the .Net reporting, but what the StrataFlix sample does is use a BrowseDialog to get the data to fill the BO that it is used by the BBS. Take a look at the "SF Custom Business Binding Source" in the help file, this template will help you create a BBS with its own BO for reporting purpose.
Edhy Rijo
Eric Leissler
Group: StrataFrame Users
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hi, excuse me, but i dont understand how to populate my report. i have a Bo i have a BBs on my BO and after, what i have to do? Thanks Best regard
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 2.4K,
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Eric Leissler (12/19/2009) hi,
excuse me, but i dont understand how to populate my report.
i have a Bo
i have a BBs on my BO
and after, what i have to do?
Best regardNo problem Eric. Just populate the BO the same way you do for your forms, either you should have a method in the BO that you will call to populate the BO or you will use a Dialog Browser like in StrataFlix to ask the user the filter values to populate the BO. I know the method used in StrataFlix is not the easiest one (at least it was not for me when I was learning it  ) but at the end once I understood it has been the best way for me since I can have my custom Dialog Browser to filter the report data. I can not explain it in a single phrase how it works because it is link to several classes and logic, but what I did was to put some time into StrataFlix, setup some debugger breaks and follow the code, then start implementing the same logic in my application until it works.
Edhy Rijo
Michel Levy
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Hi, I've sent to Eric (private mail) a step-by-step "How to?" (in french). As soon I 'll translate it in english, i'll put it on the forum. Gerard, we used only native tools from Visual Studio 2008 and StrataFrame. with VS2005, i used Report SharpShooter, but VS2008 greatly improved the reporting. No need to other tools if you want to export in pdf or excel sheets, I found the VS2008 reports really nice, and much simpler than ReportSharpShhoter (and of course than Crystal... ) The trouble in designing a report with VS2008 comes with the fact that VS automatically adds a BindingSource (a native one, not a SF customBBS) on the form where you build your report. If you do all in code, there is no problem, because you define the data source for your report in the code. But if you put your CustomBBSs in your toolbox, end then drop visually the cusBBS on the form and link it to your report in the same way (visually), ah... then VS2008 says "he, and MY data sources?" and you need to check again that your cusBBS is always the datasource selected for the report, and you may delete this native binding source from you report. And what Eric was missing to populate the BO was how to "call" the fill method defined on the BO, from the form through the cusBBS. And as all our BOs are sub-classed from a BO class where reside all our generic fill methods, he didn't see how to retrieve these methods from the cusBBS.
Eric Leissler
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Visits: 527
hi, verry big thanks for Michel I understand now the mecanism of report, bbs bo . It's running veriy well now I just think, if the help strata was made like the Michel LEVY explication, a lot of french developpers whoud make the developpent with strataframe ! best regards Eric
Russell Scott Brown
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Thanks. An explanation in English would be helpful.
Russ Brown (Using C#2010/SQL Server 2008)