Hi Charles,
I have plans to test Active Reports this weekend if my wife allows me
Whichever start first (guess you) just open a new thread to share experiences. From the videos it looks like very developer friendly. About the data, I am not sure I want to use the BBS due to all issues about being slower than connecting to the database directly and being able to easily design, preview reports which I have not found it easy to do using the BBS.
I know the the SF team have done a great job with RSS with full integration and on the fly creation of reports based on templates but I don't know if they will ever make a SF add-on product.
Right know creating reports in .net is a very time consuming and a painful process, I am basically using the method shown in StrataFlix and that means creating a whole bunch of files, class, BBS, BO, etc. per report and doing that for every little project is not so productive in my case, so I am looking to see how would it be with other report tools.
Back in the dates with VFP I had a product called VisualRep which allowed me to create and manage reports with a data-driven model, in a single day I was able to create almost all simple reports needed by any application and just focus on the complicated ones. I need to find a tool that will help me create reports faster and easier to maintain.
Edhy Rijo