Binding a control to a regular form property?

Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Fiance? Meeting? Do I smell wedding soon???? w00t

Yep, you got it. Wink

Edhy Rijo
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Well, welcome to the club Cool

Congratulations in advance wishing you and wife to be the best!!!!

Edhy Rijo

Bill Cunnien
Bill Cunnien
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Russell Scott Brown (06/25/2010)
...I have been trying to decide between Telerik and DevExpress but I think I will go with DevExpress too if for no other reasons than you gave I know I can find at least one other person on the forum who uses it...

I've been using DevEx XtraReports for several years...even before SF. It has been quite enjoyable to use.

Charles R Hankey
Charles R Hankey
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Hi Bill -

What strategy are you using for the data? It seems at first glance that using the BBS approach and creating the properties for child tables etc is not really necessary. I am tempted to use standard datasets, filled from parameterized SQL views and just by-passing SF for reporting data needs. If I go that route am I going to be missing something I'll wish I had?

Second question : do you have the whole dxExperience subscription or a separate XtraReports suite? Does this include WPF and Silverlight?

It looks like no further license is needed to give the end-user report design functionality. Is this the case?

( see what you started - I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of questions going forward. )



Ger Cannoll
Ger Cannoll
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Hi Charles. I have been trying to decide which Report Writer to go for and have narrowed it down to either Activereports or Xtrareports.

I was tending towards Activereports as , without additional licenses or expense, you can include a run time report designer for the end user. You seem to be suggesting that that can also be done with Xtrarports....did I pick this up correctly.

Also , would be interested if anybody has seen any feature by feature comaprison of the two. ActiveReports seems to be more expensive .

Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Edhy Rijo (06/26/2010)
Well, welcome to the club Cool

Congratulations in advance wishing you and wife to be the best!!!!

Thanks a lot Edhy! Smooooth

Peter Jones
Peter Jones
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Congratulations Ivan.

Regarding reporting, we have been using DevExpress Controls for about as long as we have been using Strataframe, but were using Crystal Reports (the version that came with visual studio) for our reporting, mainly due to previous experience with it. We had intended to examine xtraReports when we had a bit of time.

Recently we upgraded to Visual Studio 2010, only to find that Crystal reports is only available as a seperate download currently in beta and without a client distributable. Furthermore in the Terminal Services environment we are targeting it is no longer free. This led us to quickly convert to XrtaReports, and have been very happy with the results. There is nothing we have found that Crystal Reports could do that XrtaReports can't. Where we were stuck on how to achive what we wanted, the support from Devexpress was excellent.

We found that the best way to handle things was to create a bo mapped to a view. We use the same view to create a dataset for the XtraReports designer, then we use the following to get the data from the bo into the report

Private Sub AssignBOToReport(ByRef myReport As DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport, ByRef bo As MicroFour.StrataFrame.Business.BusinessLayer)

If bo.CurrentDataTable.Rows.Count >= 1 Then

Dim ds As New DataSet


myReport.DataSource = ds

myReport.DataMember = bo.CurrentDataTable.TableName


myReport.DataSource = Nothing

myReport.DataMember = ""

End If

End Sub

The key point here is that xtraReports is very fussy in that if a report is designed from a dataset, then that is what it expect to get its data from.



Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Thanks Peter! Smooooth
Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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Peter, what do you use to design your report? What I mean is how are you able to drag and drop fields on your report?

I've not used XtraReport but I am thinking about switching. TIA.

Edhy Rijo
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Hi Terry,

I have not test it yet, but I looked at some of their online videos, and they look very impressive and the quality of the videos are the best I have seen for an online video.

Edhy Rijo


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