Hi Trent, Ben,
I am using more and more DevExpress controls and sometimes when hitting a DBNull value, the Business Object is not able to handle it, even though I have set the "NULL Value Option" in the BOM to "Return Alternante on Null = 0", but the SetValue(ByVal component As Object, ByVal value As Object) of the BO does not take System.DBNull into consideration.
For example, this line below, will throw an exception if the value is System.DBNull
DirectCast(component, bizTransaction).FK_Vendor_Carrier = CType(value, System.Int32)
But if I change the bo.Designer to something like this, it will work just fine, but the bo.Designer will be overwritten next time I use the BOM.
Case bizTransactionFieldNames.FK_Vendor_Carrier
If value Is Nothing OrElse IsDBNull(value) Then
DirectCast(component, bizTransaction).FK_Vendor_Carrier = 0
DirectCast(component, bizTransaction).FK_Vendor_Carrier = CType(value, System.Int32)
End If
Is there a way to overcome this situation?
Edhy Rijo