Search Panel Not Functional

StrataFrame Team
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Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 3K, Visits: 2.5K
I just checked the dbo.Search_Query sproc, and it certainly doesn't check triggers.  It only checks sprocs, functions, views, and deploy scripts.  That's the bad news.  The good news is that you can easily modify the stored procedure to return the extra results if necessary.  You won't be able to double-click a trigger from the list and open it for editing, but at least it would return it in the results.  You would need to edit the Search_Query sproc and add this before the "RESULT SET #1" comment at the bottom of the procedure:

      5 search_Type,
      TR.tr_pk search_PrimaryKey,
      T.tbl_schema search_Schema,
      T.tbl_name + '.' + TR.tr_Name search_Name,
      D.[db_name] search_Database
      dbo.DBETriggers TR
      INNER JOIN dbo.DBETables T ON TR.tr_tbl_pk = T.tbl_pk
      INNER JOIN dbo.DBEDatabases D ON T.tbl_db_pk = D.db_pk
      INNER JOIN dbo.DBEProfile P ON d.db_dbe_pk = P.dbe_pk
      P.dbe_pk = @profilePk 
            @includeCodeBody = 1 
               TR.tr_ProcedureCode LIKE @queryText 
               TR.tr_PreCreate LIKE @queryText
            @includeNamesAndDescriptions = 1 
               TR.tr_Name LIKE @queryText 
               TR.tr_Description LIKE @queryText
William Fields
William Fields
StrataFrame User (326 reputation)StrataFrame User (326 reputation)StrataFrame User (326 reputation)StrataFrame User (326 reputation)StrataFrame User (326 reputation)StrataFrame User (326 reputation)StrataFrame User (326 reputation)StrataFrame User (326 reputation)StrataFrame User (326 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 80, Visits: 239
Thanks for the reply.

Will this be incorporated into the next DDT version?
StrataFrame Team
StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 3K, Visits: 2.5K
Oh yes.  The search on the next DDT will be vastly expanded.  The search on the current version was more of an afterthought.  

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