Greg McGuffey
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What is the status of the auditing feature of the security module?
How will it work?
Steve L. Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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What is the status of the auditing feature of the security module?
Currently the auditing feature is slated to be released 2nd-3rd quarter, range. As the time comes closer we will release beta copies for your enjoyment or frustration, depending on your viewpoint.  How will it work? The auditing will have two major functions: application events and data events. The application events will be used within your application to monitor user traffic. For example, you may want to log an event every time the user logs into the system. The data event trapping will be used to monitor how data is created, updated, and queried. Obviously, this will create overhead but could be used to monitor a user if they are manipulating data. This feature is important to us since it is necessary for medical certification. |
Greg McGuffey
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Thanks for the update.
I also have to have auditing. Here are the features that I'm currently using, most implemented via Instead Of triggers (big, ugly triggers).
- Audit history is tracked. For each record, there is a history which includes the user who made the change, the data and time and what type of change (add, edit, delete).
- Audited Field history is tracked. A history of each field that is changed is kept. So for a given audit history item (item 1 above), there is associated with that the set of fields that where changed (only the fields that were changed), including the old and new values.
- User can enter an audit comment about why a change was made. This can be turned on/off by business users as needed (that is to say it can be required or not, but it is always available).
These features are the minimum set required for my app. The one I'm most concerned about is the last item, as this is critical. I hope this information helps in your deciding what features to implement.
Steve L. Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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These features are the minimum set required for my app. It is an unreleased product and I don't want to debate its entire functionality, until beta. At a glance I think you will generally be satisfied, although the user comment feature will not be included.
Greg McGuffey
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I wasn't really trying to debate the features, just providing some feedback as to what features one of your customers will need, hoping that it might be provided early enough that a) you might decide to support some/all of these features or b) you at least keep in mind these features so the product can be customized to handle the feature needed but not implemented by the framework. I look forward to trying out the beta when it gets built.
Steve L. Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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I wasn't really trying to debate the features
Poor word choice on my part: let's day discuss versus debate.  I agree input is healthy -- extremely so when your opinion agrees with mine.  Nevertheless, we aim to please and will strive to produce something that has some WOW factor. |
Greg McGuffey
Group: Forum Members
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Thanks for the reply. I know it is hard to manage customer expectations (especially demanding ones  ). Of course, it is hard for us customers to manage the developers of our favorite framework to implement our pet features too!
Group: Forum Members
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Are there any new developments on the Auditing feature? I'm needing to implement data change auditing and if it's going to be released with the next major version (shortly I hope with VS2008 releasing soon  ), I would much rather utilize this vs having to invent my own lopsided wheel.
Guillermo Vilas
Group: StrataFrame Users
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This is something I would like to know too, since is the must wanted feature that helped me decide to buy StrataFrame
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Trent Taylor
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Actually the we have been implementing the auditing portion of RBS and implementing it into our medical the creation of audit records has actually been completed and is being tested. However, we still have to write the user control that will allow you to view and navigate through the records. The next update will include the code, at least, that allows records to be created (including the CRUD options). However, I am not sure that we will have full released the auditing portion in this next build and it will probably be full released and documented in the following update (which should be a smaller update and inlcude the finalized auditing).